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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/11/2010
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
October 11, 2010

Members Present: Chairman Bob Mann, Blaze Konefal, Gordon Jones, Zach Boyajian and Secretary Anja Rodrigues.
Chairman Mann opened the meeting at 7:04pm

The minutes of September 13, 2010 were reviewed. A motion was made by Gordon Jones, seconded by Blaze Konefal, to approve the minutes as written. Motion passes.
2) Appointments - none
3) Goals and Project Review
3a) Zach Boyajian met  with Park & Rec. committee @ 2 weeks ago.  The focus of the meeting was to more clearly define and apply for conservation fund grant.  Grant is due on the 18th close of business.  Zach’s role is environmental screening of grant.  He used the Nat. Heritage data check tool i.e.) small world Peoria.  He got a hit for a rivereen species- brook floater muscle- restricted to brook & they buffer.  You need to pay $25 to see if impact.  It was reviewed by Fish and Game and no impact expected.  Zach proposed doing data check for all Town lands.  If there is a hit we can ask manually since not project specific.  Can get information for free if being a good “steward of the land”.   Our last natural resource inventory was done in 2003.  Bob asked Zach how inventories are updated.  Projects or other interested parties- i.e.) Fish and game has a card that people can fill out i.e.) saw a spotted salamander

Carpenter Park: It was explained that various boards had been  asked how to best use the part for the best benefit of the Town.  Some see recreation fields, some see horseshoe pits & bean hole beans, some see a good chance to expand the shed.  There had been public sessions asking what the people wanted.  Land and water funds- expand field, construct or expand pavilion, playground- expand or other type structures.  Survey mentioned expanded picnic areas, gaming area (table w/chess to volleyball area, something not requiring a field- bocce ball)

The grant that park & rec. is applying for is lacking topo. and wetlands and needed more detail.  Still waiting for 2nd half of property survey.  Paid $3 or $4k to get topo. and wetlands, should have provided large scale and smaller scale for both properties (they have 1 side).  

It was asked about grant $.  It is @ $100 -$200,000, they  match ½.  We need ½ of the money.  Park and Rec. initially thought $120k but maybe $140k-$150k.  They need to come up with a match from mixed sources.  There are different ways to raise: Capital Reserves, in-kind services (donations), donations, possibly ask  for additional revenue.  Zach mentioned that if DRED doesn’t rank proposal at the top.  The funds go from top to bottom, there might not be any.  Apply by 18th and hear mid to late November on rankings.

3b.  Management of Town Owned Lands Zach mentioned when looking at the inventory of each town owned property, someone from the committee should look at each property.  It was suggested to go with the Heritage committee to Shaw field- many options/desires depending on views.

Zach suggested we update inventory and say what the thoughts are from CCC- make recommendations of how best to use based on our position.  Bob suggested putting together warrant articles based on our suggestions, Zach agrees.  Gordon suggested waiting until Spring and visit a few places @ the beginning of each meeting May/June since it’s light out.

3c.  Town Forest It was explained that the Town Forest came about from interest in Spaulding lot @ 100 acres, land cut for timber in the past.  Talked about what might be done to manage the town forest.  The last cut off was in the 80’s.  Some say they put the $$ in the conservation fund, some remember forest maintenance fund eventually turned into the forest truck.  Bob said Frank Hatch said he remembers it going into the Conservation Committee.  Gordon tried getting in touch with Ian and speak with Walter to see where they remember it went to.  

Gordon will check to see if there is timber potential both busy, will know next time.  He knows a logger-chipper- aspiring forester.  They could possibly get a state forester that doesn’t charge.  Give general recommendations.  Forestry management plan would need to hire a forester.  Looking for a walk through to thin out and blow down taken out to foster growth of better timber stand.
3d.  GPS Activities researched.  Blaze explained there are 4 categories of GPS
<$100-$200 accurate to within 10-30 feet.  The next level you get more accurate +$100 10-15feet and @$400 if you want an electronic compass and altimeter reading.  You used to need to walk in to get direction.  GPS now tells you the direction based on how you’re holding it.  It is timely to have the NHACC- GPS training and Blaze could ask for a recommendation of what type of GPS a CC would need for bounding lines etc.

4a. Carpenter Park/CCS trail- for several months Park and Rec. work with CCC to research putting a cross country trail from school to carpenter park.  Involves going through/across several properties.  Park and Rec. master plan had many goals- looking for people to take lead for passive trails.  Common links with CCC so we took lead (Zach).

Jeff Jordan said he would contact a few homeowners we aren’t sure of results, he can’t do Monday nights.  Ordway’s main property owner- see if they want a more formal arrangement.  
Right now a snowmobile trail is there- anyone can use/does use so not pressing now.  Bob asked how they get over the brook.  The snowmobile club built a nice bridge, using telephone poles, horses go over.  Substantially built.

It was asked if the trail is needed.  Zach’s wife uses it from pound road to library.  GPS would help to map trails to link Town properties.  Blaze made a trail  for the school @ 5years ago, cross country team uses it.  Bob asked Zach if we are done with 4a.  We are now talking about safety/security on trails should maybe fall on school district?

4b) French Hill Conservation Easement- A couple of developers @ pleasant street, propose open space conservation (cluster housing).  A couple conservation easements placed on property- nothing has happened as far as we know.  Jamie usually knows what is going through planning board Brandon Giuda/Frank Merrill.  Gordon will check with Brandon- he’s busy campaigning.  Land is in current use.  Once permit is pulled it will be out.  Anja was asked to find out how land use tax works.  75% of it goes to land use fund.  How and when do we get the $$?   

4c) Ferman deed restriction-  The history is: A wetland spot was taken and a pond made.  Jeff worked to negotiate easement.  Fire dept. asked to use for dry fire.  Worked with fire chief to find out withdrawal amount needed.  They wrote up an easement, gave to lawyer and he said complications about a flag pole and deceased dog.  The Ferman’s had a fire in Concord and their lives in turmoil, so nothing has progressed.  It is thought that when the wetlands bureau sees nothing has been done on the easement they will ask the Ferman’s.  Gordon sees they are building and might just pop in to see what is going on.

5) Other Business